Anthony on the Issues

Protecting Against Online Predators

The sexual exploitation of children is a serious problem with profound and devastating consequences for its victims. Legislation supported by

Representative DeLuca provides law enforcement with additional means to pursue child pornographers. House Bill 2670 removes the statute of limitations for the prosecution of those who film, videotape, photograph, or use a computer to depict a child under 18 years of age or a severely or profoundly mentally retarded person engaging in sexual acts. Such acts will be considered crimes of violence and eligible for harsher punishment. In addition, parents or legal guardians will be permitted to testify about the impact the crime had on their children.

Protecting Domestic Violence Victims

Representative DeLuca supports a new law, Public Act 95-0773, which establishes the Domestic Violence Surveillance Program. Offenders who violate an order of protection could be ordered to wear a GPS tracking device while on bail, as a condition of their probation, or upon release from custody.

Defending our Veterans

Representative DeLuca backed legislation that passed the General Assembly, Senate Bill 2046, to encourage employers to hire veterans who served in Operations Desert Storm, Enduring Freedom, or Iraqi Freedom, by providing a 10% tax credit (up to $1,200) on the wages paid to veterans.

Standing Up For Seniors

Representative DeLuca supports programs that help seniors to stay in their own homes, but when they make the decision with their families to choose an assisted living or retirement facility, they shouldn’t have to worry about being safe.